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CALENDAR YEAR:  The studio is open for 44 lessons per calendar year. 

HOLIDAYS:  The studio is closed for:  

                      Thanksgiving Break = 1 week

                      Christmas Break = 2 weeks

                      Spring Break = 1 week

                      Teacher Break = 4 weeks (at Mrs. Britt's discretion) 



                       PIANO READINESS STUDENTS (age 4-6) - 30 minute lesson once a week

                       BEGINNING STUDENTS (age 6 and up) - 30 minute or 45 minute lesson once a week. 

                       ADULT STUDENTS -  30 minute, 45 minute or 60 minute lesson once a week. 

                       INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED STUDENTS - 45 minute or 60 minute lessons.

DAYS & TIMES:  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

                            Studio Hours:  9:00 am-12:00 pm & 2:00 pm-8:00 pm


​2024/2025 SCHOOL YEAR:         FIRST LESSONS:  

                                                       THANKSGIVING BREAK:  November 25-28, 2024

                                                       CHRISTMAS PERFORMANCE: N/A

                                                       CHRISTMAS BREAK: December 23-January 2  

                                                       LESSONS RESUME:  January 6, 2025

                                                       SPRING BREAK 2025:  April 14-17, 2025

                                                       SPRING RECITAL 2025:  To be announced



PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT:  Parents must attend all lessons for students age 11 and under and should attend at least once a month for ages 12 and up.  Siblings and other family members may sit in the lesson room if they are not disruptive.  

ARRIVAL:  Each student is given a specific lesson time.  Please arrive promptly for your lesson in order to receive all the time you are paying for.  Students arriving late will only receive the remaining minutes of their lesson time.

PREPARATION:  Students are expected to practice ALL assignments, complete ALL written work and bring ALL books and materials required for the lesson.  Students arriving without the necessary materials will be given sight reading exercises by Mrs. Britt and will need to repeat their lesson the following week.

PRACTICE:  After the initial flush of excitement, all students need a lot of encouragement to establish good practice habits.  Students should practice ALL their assignments 5-6 days each week and they should practice each assignment until it is better than the day before. 



      Piano Readiness:  5-10 minutes daily

      Piano Steps Level 1:  20 minutes daily

      Piano Steps Level 2:  30 minutes daily

      Piano Steps Level 3:  45 minutes daily

      Artistry at the Piano Level 1:  45-60 minutes daily

      Artistry at the Piano Level 2 & 3:  60 minutes daily

ASSIGNMENTS & WRITTEN WORK:  All worksheets and staff paper are on this website in PDF form to be printed at home.  Students should place all completed written assignments in the plastic file pocket of their assignment book to give to Mrs. Britt at their weekly lesson.

RECITALS/PERFORMANCES:  Students must take one year of piano lessons before participating in a recital or other studio sponsored performance.  Participating students pay a fee for each recital/performance.  Fee to be announced.  Students are encouraged to look for opportunities to perform for their family, friends, school and church.

REFUNDS:  There are no refunds given for any reason.  Please make attendance a priority to receive all the lessons you are paying for.

ABSENCES:  Please place a courtesy call for emergencies or illness and give as much notice as possible for planned absences.  Extended illness or long term family emergencies will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

TEACHER ABSENCE:  I have 4 flex weeks to use at my discretion at any time during the calendar year and I will give as much notice as possible.  These teacher breaks are NOT part of your tuition - you are not paying for those weeks. If I need more than 4 weeks during the calendar year, you will receive a discount for each lesson that I miss. 

STUDENT ABSENCE:  Maintaining a consistent schedule for lessons is essential for maximum progress and to get the value of the lessons you have paid for.  If you must miss a lesson, please notify Mrs. Britt as soon as possible and then you may choose one of the Alternate Lessons below: 


      ALTERNATE LESSON  #1 - RESCHEDULE A LESSON:  All open lesson times and student cancellations will be                  posted on the "studio calendar" and are available on a first come-first served basis.  You may reschedule a lesson 24          hours or more before your regular lesson.  To prevent confusion, all rescheduled lessons must be verified by me in              writing (text or email).  All rescheduled lessons must be during studio hours.


      ALTERNATE LESSON #2 - ZOOM CALL LESSON:  All online lessons must take place during your regular lesson                time or a rescheduled lesson time. Zoom lessons must be verified by me in writing

      ALTERNATE LESSON #3 - RECORDED LESSON:  You may email a recording of the student completing their                    assignments. When I receive your video, I will respond by 1) email, OR 2) video, OR 3) by phone. Recordings should 

      be sent within 48 hours of the missed lesson. 

      PLEASE NOTE - there are NO refunds for lessons missed by the student for any reason.

HEALTH & WELLNESS POLICY:  To maintain a healthy environment for everyone, all students must wash their hands

before entering the studio.  Please DO NOT use hand sanitizer or lotion as they leave residue on the piano keys.  Please do not attend your lesson if you are ill.  

INSTRUMENTS & EQUIPMENT:  You will need to invest in these items before your first piano lesson:

     1)  An acoustical piano OR keyboard with 88 weighted keys & sustain pedal

     2)  A flat bench.  Do not use a chair as it can cause injury to the neck and back.  

     3)  A very loud metronome.  This can be a separate machine or on your keyboard.

     4)  EZ Notes Magnetic music board

     5)  Black, one inch 3-ring binder with a clear cover

     6)  Large satchel to carry books, binder, metronome and EZ Notes board


     You will also need easy access to a Laptop & printer for printing written work.

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